在忍受了很久打开Visual Studio之前都要点一下”外接程序VMDebugger未能加载……”的对话框之后,终于准备开始海搜比较好的解决方案。由于可能需要用到VMDebugger,因此网上通过更改注册表禁止VMDebugger作为加载项加载的方法不适合我。今天在Stackoverflow上发现了一个很棒的方法,原文如下:
For anyone who could not solve this problem by re-installing the VMWare plug-in but do not want to sacrifice all his VS settings, here is a solution that did work for me: •Export ‘Menu and Command Bar Customizations’ VS settings only using
Tools => Import and Export Settings... => Export selected environment settings
•Deselect ‘All Settings’ •Select only ‘All Settings/General Settings/Menu and Command Bar Customizations’ •Open exported.vssettings
file in a text editor, scroll to the end and remove the entry<add</em>toolbar Menu=... Name='VMware' .../>
in the UserCustomizations section •Import edited.vssettings
file usingTools => Import and Export Settings... => Import selected environment settings
and restart Visual Studio to check if the error has gone.answered May 12 '14 at 10:33 by buygrush
文件,移动至末尾,移除UserCustomizations区域内的<add</em>toolbar Menu=... Name='VMware' .../>
部分,这部分在我导出的文件内是这样的<add</em>toolbar Menu="{000D7B18-CDE4-49F0-B194-FE3E25BBF096}:0000000b" Name="VMware" MenuType="toolbar"/>
•重启Visual Studio检查是否已经排除故障